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5 Summer Montessori Preschool Activities

Jun 01, 2021

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A little girl is sitting on a pier holding a fishing rod.

Can you believe we are just about to enter the summer season? When it feels like time is flying, it’s refreshing to tackle a few activities that make it seem like time stands still. Are you looking for fun ideas that encourage the Montessori method while enjoying the great outdoors? As a Montessori preschool in Maple Park and the greater Chicagoland area, we have five summer Montessori activities that promote learning beyond the classroom walls. Read on to see what they are!

Top 5 Montessori Summer Activities for Toddlers & Preschoolers

As much as Montessori preschools in Maple Park enjoy educating their students, they love it even more when families adopt the Montessori lifestyle beyond the classroom! Are you ready to start your summer with the Montessori method?

Below are our top five Montessori activities perfect to jumpstart your summer season!

#1. Build a Garden

Learning about how our food goes from seed to tableside is an area you could have a lot of fun with your child! Grab your garden supplies, purchase herb and vegetable seeds, and help your child get their hands dirty in the soil!

Want to get your child excited for the vegetables growing in your garden? Take a trip to  Wiltse’s Farm  to show your child which fresh produce grows in summertime such as corn and asparagus!

#2. Draw with Sidewalk Chalk or Water

Driveways and sidewalks make for large canvases. Therefore, explore different shapes, colors, and designs with sidewalk chalk! Using chalk allows your preschooler to further develop their motor skills as they practice drawing the nature around you, creating an interactive hopscotch course, or spelling their name.

Don’t have chalk on hand? No problem! Fill a bowl with water and grab a paintbrush or basting brush and let your child experience water art on the concrete driveway or sidewalk. After a few moments, their drawing will disappear, a great opportunity to teach your preschooler about evaporation.

#3. Go Star Gazing

Sometimes, the days can quickly fill up with play dates, appointments, and other activities. For a fun Montessori summer activity, switch up your schedule by allowing your child to stay up past sundown.

Then, grab a comforter, some pillows, and lay down in your backyard to see how many stars your preschooler can count. You might even spot a few fireflies!

To make the night even more special, bring out the ingredients to make s’mores. It could be the highlight of your preschooler’s week!

#4. Visit a Petting Zoo


Learning about farm animals is a fun and engaging activity for your preschooler. By reading books about farm animals, learning which animals lay eggs and which do not, and engaging in sensory play with birdseed and letter cards, you could have a week’s worth of Montessori activities ready to go!


To help your child learn about farm animals and their babies, we encourage visiting the local Friendly Farms campus in Dekalb. If your child is up for the adventure, Friendly Farms also offers pony rides!

#5. Explore Sea Creatures

Although Maple Park is far away from the coast, you can still engage in learning about the ocean and the sea life within it! Explore elements of the sea such as the sand, waves, and the sun by creating your own sea life Montessori play set.


Begin by printing pictures of sea life and name labels for each creature. Then, place sea creature figurines in a small bowl. Next, place the cards, labels, and bowl of sea creature figurines on a tray of sand and rice. To add an additional dimension to your sea life unit, soak the rice in water with blue food coloring! With the sand next to the blue rice, it can help your child separate the components of a beach.


With everything set up, your child can then match the sea creatures and labels to the cards. Add in a set of tongs to move the figurines to the pictures for transferring practice, and a sea life book to learn more about the creatures. Take your activity to the next level by practicing which animal breathes underwater and which does not.

For an extended summer Montessori activity, your child could even draw the creatures and write their names in a notebook!

Mansio Montessori: Nurturing the Montessori Method Since 1981


At Mansio Montessori of Geneva, we are committed to implementing Montessori principles and have invested in families among our local community and beyond since 1981. Our preschool program values the individual learning style and pace of each child. For parents who prioritize the same principles, we invite you to learn more about our approach and available Montessori preschool programs.



We desire to inspire a passion for learning within each child they can carry with them as they grow and mature throughout their academic careers. A child’s preschool years are a prime time to begin formulating habits they can carry with them from kindergarten into healthy, balanced adulthood.


Maple Park Montessori: Our Promise of Health and Safety as Your Children Learn


We understand the importance of keeping your children healthy and safe as they learn and develop their social skills. That’s why at  Mansio , we guarantee our dedication to preparing your toddler’s development with optimal learning environments that stimulate educational development both at home and in school. By tailoring the educational experience to each child, we inspire our students with a passion for learning.



Furthermore, we regularly monitor  the most current health and safety guidelines recommended by the CDC  to create the safest learning environment for your little ones. If you wish to know more about the measures we take to defend our preschool classroom from the spread of COVID-19, we are happy to answer any questions!



To explore our preschool enrollment dates or learn more about  our offered programs  and what these may look like for your child, please contact us.


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