2 Year Old Developmental Milestones

April 9, 2020

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A woman and a little girl are playing with wooden blocks on the floor.

Parenting is just as rewarding as it is challenging. With having the responsibility of teaching your children the beginning ways of life, you want to see them learn and succeed at the same rate or develop quicker than other children their age.

Are you wondering what motor and language skills and any other development milestones your child should have reached now that they are a toddler? In the content below, we answer what your child should be able to do at two years old and discuss how early education helps your child reach their development milestones.

2 Year Old Motor Skill Milestones

By now, your child should be able to coordinate wrist, finger, and palm movements to turn a doorknob or unscrew a jar lid. Additionally, he or she may also be able to hold a crayon or pencil, even with an awkward grip might. Regardless, now your child can practice making lines and circles on a piece of paper. Below are some additional motor skill milestones your child should begin making at two years old.

  • Jumps in place
  • Carries toys while walking
  • Begins to run
  • Stands on tiptoes
  • Kicks a ball
  • Climbs on and off furniture unassisted
  • Builds tower of blocks with a few blocks
  • Begins showing preference for one hand over another when holding objects
  • Pours out contents of container
  • Walks alone
  • Pulls toys from behind while walking
  • Carries a large toy or several toys while walking
  • Walks up and down the stairs while holding on to support
  • Throws ball overhand 

Language and Speech Developmental Milestones for 2 Year Olds

Transitioning from baby babble to forming complete words, your two-year-old will begin hitting more language milestones quicker than ever before. Below are some of the speech and language achievements your child should begin developing and practicing at two years old.

  • Repeats words overheard in conversation
  • Builds a vocabulary of fifty or more words
  • Recognizes and names familiar people, objects, animals, and body parts
  • Says several single words like cat, dog, milk, yes, and no
  • Uses simple phrases like “bye-bye,” “night-night,” and “all done”
  • Speaks with two- to four-word sentences such as “I want more,” “I love you,” and “Hi, Mom”

Cognitive Developmental Milestones at 2 Years Old

Now that your child’s attention span lasts longer than when they were 18 months old, he or she can now enjoy following along and turning the pages in a book, participating more as you read together. Additionally, here are several other milestones your two-year-old should be able to reach in cognitive development.

  • Sorts items by shape, size, and color
  • Plays simple, make-believe games
  • Finds objects, even when hidden under two or three covers
  • Points to object or picture when it’s named for them, especially in pictures and books
  • Completes sentences and rhymes in familiar books 
  • Follows simple instructions of one, two, or three steps such as: “Pick up your shoes and put them in the closet.” 

Social and Emotional Milestones at 2 Years Old


Despite the cliché that your child is experiencing the “Terrible Two’s,” your toddler is actually building and learning social and emotional skills at an incredibly fast rate. It’s fascinating at how your child’s brain development is working overtime to form all of the connections they will need throughout their life. With your child hard at work in play, below are some social and emotional milestones they should begin making at the age of two.


  • Imitates others to please them, especially adults and older children
  • Shows defiance and defiant behavior such as telling their doll or imaginary friend "no" or doing what he or she was told not to do
  • Increasingly aware of themself as separate from others
  • Increasingly enthusiastic about company of other children
  • Demonstrates increasing independence
  • Begins to show defiant behavior
  • Increasing episodes of separation anxiety toward midyear, then they fade
  • Plays mainly beside other children, but begins including other children, such as in chase games

What to Do If You Notice Development Delays in Your Child


In the event you notice your child has yet to hit some of these milestone moments, do not feel discouraged. It’s neither your fault nor your child’s fault. You could be doing everything you can to help your toddler during this time . Sometimes, your child takes a few extra months before trying and learning new skills, and that is completely normal.


However, if your child delays excessively in their development, consult with your pediatrician assess your child’s current level. Below are some signs of possible developmental delay for when your child is two years old.

  • Cannot to walk
  • Cannot develop a mature heel-toe walking pattern after several months of walking, or walks exclusively on their toes
  • Does not speak at least fifteen words
  • Cannot use two-word sentences like “drink milk” for example
  • Does not know the function of common household objects such as a brush, telephone, bell, fork, and spoon
  • Cannot imitate actions or words
  • Does not follow simple instructions
  • Cannot push a wheeled toy
  • Loses skills they once had

How Early Education Helps with Your Child’s Development


An early childhood education provides benefits that last a lifetime, creating potential for high success in the future. Additionally, this helps promote your child’s healthy brain development, encourages socialization in a safe environment, and exposes them to both diversity and the value of differences. With early education, the appropriate tools and technology specifically targeted for your child’s age will enhance their overall learning and retention.


Along with mental, physical, and social benefits, childhood education programs also deliver health benefits. Receiving quality care from early childhood programs allows a positive influence on your child’s learning and development. As a result, regular vision, hearing, and developmental screenings ensure that children are properly taken care of.

Embrace Toddler Learning with Mansio Montessori


We understand that each child is unique in their learning abilities and learns at different rates than others. At Mansio Montessori , all our qualified, skilled teachers work hard to meet children and give them the knowledge they need to be successful – on their own. We create a well-prepared environment in order to encourage a child’s highest potential.



If you have any questions, or wish to receive more information about our Montessori method, don’t hesitate to  contact us  and schedule a tour of our school!


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