20 Montessori-Friendly Toys

January 17, 2024

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The Montessori approach to education makes learning fun for children. Babies and toddlers are encouraged to play on their own, learn by doing, and be creative without the pressure of fulfilling a specific task or designing something that meets a particular standard. They also have the opportunity to play simple games with their parents or teachers. Many of these, such as Color Scavenger Hunt and The Name Game, require few or no additional supplies. At the same time, parents who want to use the Montessori educational method with their little ones will want to have some Montessori toys on hand for kids to play with on their own.


What is a Montessori Toy?


Montessori toys, unlike many other toys found on the market, are open-ended to give children the opportunity to be creative rather than merely be entertained. Montessori toys also aim to teach specific skills rather than only provide entertainment opportunities. Such toys are simple in nature and durable enough to be used by small children without breaking. These toys make an ideal addition to any Montessori playroom and are sure to entertain boys and girls from all walks of life.


Best Montessori Toys By Age

Toys: Ages 0-1

In the first year of life, babies need to learn the skills many of us take for granted. These include recognizing familiar people and even themselves, making a connection between objects and the sounds they make, developing basic hand-eye coordination, and learning how to get around by rolling, crawling, scooting, and eventually walking.

Montessori Gobbi Mobile -- a montessori friendly toy for children 0-1 years old

1. The Leader Joy Montessori Munari Mobile: Designed for babies from one to three months old, this mobile helps infants learn how to track objects.

2. Montessori Gobbi Mobile: Designed for babies from two to four months old, this mobile helps a baby learn visual discrimination skills and depth perception.

3. Haba Rainbow Fabric Ball: This ball, designed for babies from six months on up, helps little children learn how to push and roll objects, thus developing hand-eye coordination.

4. Set of 15 Large Wooden Blocks from My Toy House: These large, rounded wood blocks allow older babies to learn how to be creative and also teach hand-eye coordination.

5. Pocket Panda Baby Mirror Toys for Tummy Time: Babies learn how to make and recognize facial expressions as they see themselves in this fun mirror. Conveniently designed to be used in a crib, on the floor, or even in a car or van.

6. Natural Wooden Baby Rattle by GRTMEN: A simple, safe wood rattle that teaches a small baby how to grip a toy and follow its movement with his or her eyes.

Toys: Ages 1-2

The second year of your child's life is a very exciting one as your baby masters gross motor skills such as walking, fine-motor skills, carrying toys around, kicking a ball, and walking up and down stairs. At this stage, many toddlers also start learning how to talk, scribble, turn over containers, find items, play make-believe games, and point to named objects.

7. Fat Brain Toys Geometry Puzzle: This simple, ingenious puzzle teaches toddlers how to take things apart and put them back together. Your toddler will also get to know basic shapes and colors while doing the puzzle.

8. Elite Montessori 3 Wooden Colored Discs on Colored Dowels: Like the geometry puzzle listed above, this fun toy helps kids master fine motor skills while they learn basic colors.

a toddler playing with a shapes sorter -- a montessori friendly toy for ages 1-2

9. Hape Pound & Tap Bench with Slide Out Xylophone: Music boosts your little one's cognitive abilities, IQ, and reasoning skills, and this fun music-making toy helps your kids enjoy music to the full.

10. Hape Block and Roll Cart: A multipurpose toy to help kids learn to push and pull as well as load, unload, and stack blocks.

11. Learning Resources Farmer’s Market Color Sorting Set: Includes 5 baskets and 25 foods in five colors. Kids learn color sorting, fine motor skills, and basic information about fruits and vegetables. It's also a great toy for creative make-believe play.

12. Hape Scoot Around Ride-On Wood Bike: Your toddler will have great fun getting around on this safe bike while also learning balance and coordination skills.

13. Waidobyu Montessori Shape Sorting Box: Older toddlers will enjoy learning how to take shapes out and put them back in. As they do, they'll master fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, and learn about basic shapes.

Toys: Ages 2-3


Kids in this age range enjoy mastering running, jumping, climbing, throwing, and kicking. They often start showing a preference for one hand over the other, can say simple words and follow simple instructions, and want to imitate what the grown-ups do.


14. Pikler Triangle: This fun, popular toy allows kids to master the art of climbing in the safety of their bedroom or a Montessori playroom.

15. Monti Kids Bead Stringing Set: A fun toy that helps your child enjoy mastering advanced hand-eye coordination skills and fine motor skills.

16. Monti Kids Tabletop Easel: Your young one is sure to enjoy drawing, coloring, stamping, and painting using his or her very own miniature easel. This device inspires creativity, helps kids learn colors and more.

17. Kids' Station Indoor/Outdoor Toddler MUD Kitchen with Utensils: Perfect for creative play and mastering gross and fine motor skills.

a child cutting hook-and-pile fastener play food with a toy knife a montessori friendly toy for children 2-3 years old

18. Melissa & Doug Deluxe Pounding Bench Wooden Toy With Mallet: Boys and girls alike are sure to love making noise with this fun toy. What's more, they'll learn about sound and master hand-eye coordination as they use it.

19. Melissa & Doug Cutting Food Playset: Kids will learn hand-eye coordination as they enjoy mimicking adults preparing food in a kitchen.

20. Wonder Wise Little Builder Workbench: All children are sure to enjoy carpentry play with this engaging toy. They'll also learn hand-eye coordination while they practice creative play.

Mansio Montessori

We're also here to offer the practical help and support you need to help your child reach his or her full potential. We have more than 40 years of experience helping little ones learn valuable academic and life skills in a fun, engaging manner. Feel free to get in touch with us at your convenience if you have any questions or would like to learn more about our programs.

Disclaimer: Mansio Montessori does not have any sponsorship or affiliation with the brands listed above. The purpose of this blog is to provide valuable insights into some of the best Montessori toys available, selected based on adherence to Montessori principles and suitability for children. It is important to conduct your own research and consider your child's individual requirements when making toy choices.

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